Now, what is our part in engulfing this earth in the divine flame?

But we will give ourselves continually to prayer, and to the ministry of the word. Acts 6:4 KJV

The disciples prayed and continued in the Word of God. What followed? 'And they went forth, and preached every where, the Lord working with them, and confirming the word with signs following. Amen.' Mark 16:20 KJV

It is not a secret, we just yield ourselves completely to God for Him to use us. It is His Spirit making us bold soldiers of Christ that they will say, just like about Peter and John, 'They have been with Jesus'.
Roman soldier crying a battle cry
Bible Study - Zoom

We have studied now for two years the mystery of godliness from 1 Timothy 3:16. And still, the Holy Spirit is each time bringing more so that, in the end, we will also enter into glory like our Lord Jesus.

Saturdays of odd weeks, starting at 18:00 GMT+2.

Prayer Meeting - Zoom

The Goliath/GoLion has been taken down. In these meetings by the Spirit of God, we wrestled the spiritual rulers down, and therefore, based on Jesus' victory, we are seeing the outpouring of the Spirit and the signs and wonders following the spoken word. Do you want to enter into the same experience?

Saturdays of even weeks, starting at 18:00 GMT+2.

Bible Club - Local / Zoom

We gather together to praise the Lord, tell testimonies of what Jesus has done, hear the word of God, and pray, among other things, as the Holy Spirit guides the meeting. He is the Lord of the meeting, so we just follow Him without setting time limits. In His presence, there is no hurry but righteousness, joy, and peace.

Ask for the Zoom link or the location: +358 46 571 4804

Gospel Outreach - Kuopio

If we would just give ourselves continually to prayer and to the ministry of the word, but we would not preach the gospel, we would be rebels, and all our activity would fossilize. Our Lord said, 'All power is given unto me in heaven and on earth. Go ye therefore'. So therefore, we go and preach the gospel. We preach, and His work is to confirm the spoken word, with signs following. It's a wonderful division of labor, isn't it?

Ask for the location: +358 46 571 4634

Personal Discipleship

But what Jesus said continued, 'and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them into the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe everything that I have commanded you'. People who come into Christ must grow into mature sons of God who can shift any atmosphere with unwavering faith and with the presence of God they carry.

Every single day.

Past events


June 7 – 9, 2024; 17:00 – 20:00​ Kauppatori, 70100 Kuopio​

Jesus fest kuopio

Behold, God
is my salvation;
I will trust, and not be afraid:
is my strength and my song;
he also is become
my salvation.

Therefore with joy
shall ye draw water
out of the wells
of salvation.

Therefore with joy
shall ye draw water
out of the wells
of salvation.


Herra on pelastajani.
Luotan enkä pelkää.
Sillä Herra JEHOVA
on voimani, lauluni.
Hän tuli minulle

Siksi saatte ilolla
nostaa vettä

Siksi saatte ilolla
nostaa vettä


Jesus Christ the Son of God
Oh yes oh yes

Hallelujah He arose
Oh yes oh yes

Hallelujah He arose
The King of kings arose

Hallelujah He arose
Oh yes oh yes


Jeesus Kristus Jumalan Poika
Kyllä kyllä

Hallelujah Hän noussut on
Kyllä kyllä

Hallelujah Hän noussut on
Kuningasten Kuningas

Hallelujah Hän noussut on
Oi kyllä kyllä